We talk about ADHD for the first 15 minutes, of course, then address some of the conspiracy theories about the sign of Jonah and explore the Greek word, Tetelestai, Jesus' last word. It gets deep ya'll.
We talk about how many are hindered in their relationship with God because of many religious expectations or our lack of understanding of God's grace. Get wisdom and understanding.
Phyllis is so enlighted in the things of God. She wrote a book. "Stop Sitting and Stand", hence the podcast title. Enjoy this journey of how to grow closer to Jesus and stop going through the motions.
We are connected as cousins and speak about being educators and parenting teenagers. She has a wealth of wisdom with five and we share many stories from her book, You'll Make It (and They will Too). All relationships win with these tips.
Episode 505: "Ain't Gonna Defy the Lessons in Life's Turbulence with Carolyn Deck
What an encouraging conversation to get us to soar above with the eagles and weather the storms of life. Carolyn's book proceeds also go to faceswithnames.org
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